Please help us
support research
on epilepsy

We know that there are a lot of worthy causes and you may feel
there is always someone asking you for money.
So, why us?
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Our Mission

The Savoy Foundation is a non-profit organization established by the Savoy family with the stated mission
to raise funds to be used for the sole purpose of financing research into epilepsy.

The Foundation works principally with Canadian researchers or to foreign nationals who conduct projects in Canada.

Who We Are

The Savoy Foundation is the only Canadian organization entirely devoted
to fundraising and giving grants and endowments for research in epilepsy.

About Us

We offer grants to Canadian researchers.

The Savoy Foundation distributes more than $400,000 per year in studentships, fellowships and grants to Canadian researchers or to foreign nationals who conduct projects in Canada. Although this is a large amount, some requests still go unanswered.
  • Almost 300,000 Canadians are afflicted with epilepsy.
  • There are 15,500 new cases every year, and 50% of which are children
    the age of ten years old.
  • In numerous cases, the cause remains unknown.
  • Research is helping us to eventually find the cure.

George M. Savoy

Chairman of the Board of Directors

Research Programs

Studentships, fellowships and grants of the SAVOY FOUNDATION are available to Canadian researchers
for research conducted in Canada or abroad and to foreign nationals for projects conducted in Canada.


Studentships will be awarded to meritorious applicants wishing to acquire training and pursue research in a biomedical discipline, the health sciences or social sciences related to epilepsy in an MSc or PhD program.

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Post-doctoral and clinical research fellowships

Salary grants of $35,000 will be awarded to scientists or medical specialists (Ph.D. or M.D.) wishing to carry out a full-time research project, which must be focused on epilepsy.

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Research Grants

Research grants of up to $25,000 will be available to clinicians and/or independent scientists working on epilepsy or related subjects. Early career researchers (within 10 years of their first research-related appointment) will be favoured.

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In memory of the contribution made by Professor Laurent Descarries to the Savoy Foundation during his tenure as a member of the Research Committee, the Descarries-Savoy award of excellence was created. Worth $1,500, it will be granted to the student supported by the Foundation whom the committee decides has published the best paper during the year of the studentship.

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In memory of the contribution made by Dr Guy Rémillard to the Savoy Foundation during his tenure as a former member and former president of the Research Committee, the Rémillard-Savoy travel bursary for health care professionals (HCP) was created. Worth $2,500, it will be granted to a non-physician health care professional (nurse, psychologist, neuropsychologist, nutritionist etc.) providing care to patients with epilepsy wishing to attend in person a national or international congress to improve their expertise in the care of this clientele.

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Latest News

A collection of stories about our people, our campaings,
and our research programs.
Black girl
child reading
Grandfather and son

Contact Us

Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions or comments
about the Savoy Foundation.

Corporate Office