
Two to three (2-3) new studentships will be awarded to meritorious applicants wishing to acquire training and pursue research in a biomedical discipline, the health sciences or social sciences related to epilepsy in an MSc or PhD program. To be eligible to this competitive selection, the candidate must have excellent grades (B. Sc., M.D. or equivalent diploma) and have ensured that a qualified researcher affiliated to a university and/or hospital, will supervise his/her work. In addition, candidates applying for a doctoral bursary must also have at least one first-authored peer-reviewed publication to their credit. The stipend will be $15,000 per year for master’s studies and $17,000 for PhD studies.

These studentships are for one (1) year. Recipients of a master’s salary award may apply for renewal only once. Recipients for a PhD salary award may apply for renewal twice. Renewal is not automatic and based on progress made.

Note that individuals who begin doctoral training after completing an undergraduate degree or professional master’s degree and individuals who are fast-tracked to a doctoral program without completing a master’s degree would benefit from applying to the master’s competition if they are eligible to do so (up to three semesters on April 30, 2023).

In addition to this Studentships, two awards will be offered:

The candidate who obtained the highest mark on the evaluation from the scientific committee will receive the prestigious Van Gelder-Savoy award worth $1,500.

The Descarries-Savoy award, worth $1,500, will be granted to the student supported by the Foundation whom the committee decides has published the best paper during the year of the studentship. For details and application form: Click here

Granting Terms: Award Master's Studentship

  • The total amount of the scholarship is $15,000. This amount will be disbursed in two equal installments, the first at registration for the fall semester and the second at registration for the winter semester.
  • This scholarship can be combined with other scholarships, provided that the total amount of financial aid received does not exceed $30,000 per academic year. If the total amount exceeds $30,000, you will be able to accept only part of this scholarship so that the total amount of your financial aid is $30,000. We aim to encourage your commitment to your studies while facilitating access to various sources of funding.
  • Please note that awards of excellence and merit scholarships are excluded from this cumulative ceiling. They can therefore be received in addition to the $30,000 allowed.

Granting Terms: Award PhD Studentship

  • The total amount of the scholarship is $17,000. This amount will be disbursed in two equal installments, the first at registration for the fall semester and the second at registration for the winter semester.
  • This scholarship can be combined with other scholarships, provided that the total amount of financial aid received does not exceed $40,000 per academic year. If the total amount exceeds $40,000, you will be able to accept only part of this scholarship so that the total amount of your financial aid is $40,000. We aim to encourage your commitment to your studies while facilitating access to various sources of funding.
  • Please note that awards of excellence and merit scholarships are excluded from this cumulative ceiling. They can therefore be received in addition to the $40,000 allowed.

Application guidelines

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