The following points are mandatory to submit a valid application:
1. Applicants must submit a single PDF file containing all required documents (except letters of reference) in the following order:
a. Signature sheet (henceforth, only 2 signatures will be required, that of the candidate and that of his/her research supervisor)
b. Project description
c. Canadian Common CV: CIHR academic format
d. Transcript of grades
2. The project description should include the following sections:
a. Background
b. Hypothesis
c. Objective(s)
d. Methods and Analyses
e. Impact
f. Selected References
Font: Times New Roman
Font size: 12
Length: 3,500 characters (spaces not included)
3. The two (2) reference letters must be submitted directly to the Savoy Foundation by the referees (not by the candidate himself/herself). Applications with only one reference letter will not be eligible.
4. The deadline for submitting the application and the two (2) letters of recommendation to the Savoy Foundation, via email at (, is January 31, 2025.
Any questions?